Ultimate Internet Parakeet is dedicated to the following individuals.
Nancy Weaver
Nancy Weaver was a tireless
protector of parrots up until cancer took her from us in 2001.
She ran a sanctuary up in NJ and went out of her way to give the best
life possible to the birdies under her care.
took care of my Yellow Collared Macaw when I had to give him up (due to
his jealousy of my newborn children). Angus had a great life
Marc Johnson
Marc Johnson runs the rescue agency Foster Parrots up in MA.
My husband and I drove Angus and his mate, Stanley, up to this
sanctuary when Nancy passed away. It's an incredible place and
Marc and his colleagues are incredible people.
Sir Rowen
Sir Rowen was a 1/2 English budgie who looked like a little tiny
falcon. One day at 3pm I noticed he was sitting quietly in his
food 4pm he was gone. To this day I don't know
why - the results that came back showed no illness, no
disease. But he was a fine little birdie.

My Family
of course, the Ultimate Internet Parakeet is dedicated to my family as
well. Truly wonderful, they are my reason for being.
do take time to visit the above sites of Nancy and Marc...and when
you're done, progress to:
> How To Use This Guide